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Academic visitors, including established researchers, Ph.D. candidates and post-doctoral researchers, whose work falls within ACT’s research areas, may apply to visit the Centre for a period of three to ten months. Visits should take place (mainly) during the academic year. Visiting fellows must have sufficient English language skills.

Visiting ACT Fellows enjoy:

  • access to the University library, containing over four million publications, 12,000 journals and vast online resources
  • access to the European Documentation Centre and a UN depository library housed within the Amsterdam Law School
  • UvA internet and email account
  • invitations to participate in all ACT lecture series, research meetings, seminars and conferences
  • supervision by ACT senior researchers (for visiting PhD researchers only). 

Visiting ACT Fellows are expected to:

  1. Participate in internal and external seminars. This participation is the best way to connect with other researchers at the Centre and maximize the benefits of your stay while making a lasting impression on the hosting research community. We strongly encourage you to participate whenever it is practically possible.
  2. Conduct a 20–30-minute presentation on your research. You will be asked to share your paper and/or other work, with a maximum length of 30 pages, to facilitate a more thorough engagement during your internal seminar.


Visiting fellows can stay with the Centre for a minimum of 3 months and up until 10 months. Please note that stays under 3 months are facilitated via library access only with no additional provisions. 

For PhD candidates: before submitting your application, you will need to secure supervision by an experienced ACT researcher (that is, someone who has already completed a PhD dissertation) throughout your stay in Amsterdam. Please check out our people page  to identify a possible supervisor and reach out to them well in time. When approaching the prospective supervisor by email, we advise that you clearly outline the affinities between your research and their interests.

To formally apply, you can fill out and submit the form below to along with:

  • A copy of your passport
  • A short Curriculum vitae
  • A one-page list of your key publications
  • A one-page description of your intended research
  • A short cover letter explaining your motivation to spend a period at ACT and identifying possibly synergies with research carried out by current ACT members
  • For PhD candidates: your application email should include the name of your ACT mentor (to be cc’d) and state explicitly that they have accepted to supervise you while at ACT.

Applications which do not contain all required information will not be considered. 

The ACT Board decides whether to accept applicants as visiting fellows.

For administrative purposes, a monthly fee of EUR 85 is charged for all visiting fellows.

Library access only

Information for international visitors who wish to access the law library or other University of Amsterdam library during their time in Amsterdam can be found on the UVA library website. Please note that stays under 3 months are facilitated via library access only.