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The global economy’s current organization of supply chains poses environmental challenges and is vulnerable to environmental change. New legislation is holding firms responsible for environmental harm, but little is known about the firms’ adjustments to supply chains. 

The Regulation of Environmental Sustainability in Global Supply Chains Through Big Data and Modelling  project reveals the potential of legislation around sustainable supply chains and aims to project into the future how supply chains may change as a result of law and a range of other factors. The findings may prove valuable to businesses, civil society, and governments who are looking to develop strategies and regulatory instruments for sustainable supply chains. 

The project combines expertise from Law, Political Economy, and Computational Science to develop a new methodology to evaluate the effectiveness of sustainable supply chain regulations in reducing environmental risks.

Project team

Dr. K.H. (Klaas) Eller

Faculty of Law

Dep. Private Law

Dr. M.H. (Mike) Lees

Faculty of Science

Informatics Institute

Dr. D. (Diliara) Valeeva

Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences

Programme group: Challenges to Democratic Representation

Dr. L.W. (Luc) Fransen

Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences

Programme group: Political Economy and Transnational Governance