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Prof. B.G.D. (Brendan) O'Dwyer

Professor of Accounting
Faculty of Economics and Business
Section Accounting
Photographer: Ineke Oostveen

Visiting address
  • Plantage Muidergracht 12
  • Room number: M1.25
Postal address
  • Postbus 15953
    1001 NL Amsterdam
  • Profile


    Professor of Accounting

    Research programme


    Research interests

    sustainability and non-financial reporting and assurance; professionalization processes; audit regulation and practice; offshoring in audit; corporate governance processes; regulation of professions; NGO accounting and accountability; professionalization processes; corporate governance processes; NGO accounting and accountability.

    Prizes and honours

    The AAAJ Interdisciplinary Accounting Research Hall of Fame award, 2019;  Emerald Publishers 2011 Impact of Research Award for seminal work; Commendation in Mary Parker Follett Outstanding Paper award, Accounting Auditing and Accountability Journal in 2003, 2006, 2009 and 2015; Irish Academy of Management Conference Best Paper Award 2016; 2009 Best European Research Paper in Sustainable Finance award from the French Social Investment Forum; Emerald Publisher's 2007 Outstanding Special Issue Award for 2006 special issue of Accounting Auditing and Accountability Journal on NGO accountability; High Commendation in 2010 Best Paper awards in Public Management Review; Winner Best Manuscript award, The British Accounting Review, 2005; Outstanding Educator award Smurfit School of Business, University College Dublin, 2003.

  • Teaching

    Teaching activities

    Financial reporting; Financial Statement Analysis; Advanced Audit Theory and Practice; Research methodology and methods; Social and organisational perspectives on accounting, auditing and accountability; Accounting theory, Sustainability Accounting and Accountability

    Thesis supervision 

    Current PhD students:  Ioan Ivanescu and Ejona GJata (University of Amsterdam Business School); Leonid Sokolovsky and Michael Scotney (Alliance Manchester Business School)

  • Other activities

    Selected contributions (lectures) to conferences, workshops, seminars, summer schools

    • Invited speaker, CPA Australia. Sustainability and the accounting profession, March 2015.
    • Invited speaker –Pacioli Society dinner, University of Sydney, July 2014.
    • Member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ICAEW) Sustainability Committee, 2014 – to date.
    • Co-convenor of the academic track at the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) conference, May 2008, 2010 and 2013, Amsterdam.
    • External examiner for the Bachelor of Commerce, MBS and MBA degree programmes at University College Galway (2006-2009).
    • External examiner on Business and Accounting degree programmes at Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology (2003-2009).
    • Plenary Speaker – Alternative Accounting conference, Schulich Business School, Toronto, April 2010.
    • Plenary speaker - International Congress on Social and Environmental Accounting Research, St, Andrews, September 2010.
    • Plenary speaker on Sustainability Assurance – EAA annual conference, Rotterdam, April 2008.
    • Member of the Scientific Committee of the European Accounting Association annual conference (2005-2007).
    • Member of the International Editorial Board of the Asia-Pacific Interdisciplinary Perspectives (APIRA) on Accounting conference, Auckland, New Zealand, 2007.
    • Invited member of the advising senior faculty at the Emerging Scholars' Colloquium of the Asia Pacific Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Accounting (APIRA) conference, Auckland, New Zealand, July 2007 and Sydney, Australia, July 2010.
    • Convenor (with Professor Jeffrey Unerman) of a symposium on “NGO Accountability” at The International Centre for Corporate Social Responsibility (ICCSR), University of Nottingham Business School, October 2004.
    • Plenary speaker on ‘qualitative research methods’ and ‘theory’ at the International Congress on Social and Environmental Accounting, 2003 and 2005.
    • Plenary speaker at annual symposium on Stakeholder Democracy at The International Centre for Corporate Social Responsibility (ICCSR), University of Nottingham Business School, November 2003.


    International Associate - The Centre for Social and Environmental Accounting Research (CSEAR), University of St. Andrews

    Member of the following professional and academic bodies:

    o  Chartered Accountants Ireland (CAI) - Fellow
    o The Irish Accounting and Finance Association
    o The British Accounting Association
    o The European Accounting Association
    o The Centre for Social and Environmental Accounting Research

    Membership editorial staff or referee activities

    Editor:  Accounting, Organizations and Society

    Associate Editor, Accounting, Accountability and Auditing Journal

    Member of the Editorial boards of: Auditing: A Journal of Practice and Theory;
    The British Accounting Review; European Accounting Review;
    International Journal of Qualitative Research in Management
    Australian Accounting Review
    International Journal of Auditing
    Social and Environmental Accountability Journal

    Ad hoc referee for the following academic journals:
    Academy of Management Journal; Accounting and Business Re-search; Management Accounting Research; Organization Studies, The Journal of Management Studies; Accounting Forum; Critical Perspectives on Accounting; The Irish Accounting Review; Business Ethics: A European Review; Australian Accounting Review; Business Strategy and the Environment; Journal of Accounting and Organisational Change

    Membership of academic committees (including Ph. D committees)

    PhD examiner at the following universities: Alliance Manchester Business School, Copenhagen Business School, London School of Economics; University of Amsterdam, University of St. Andrews, University of Adelaide, University of Glasgow, Macquarie University, University of Strathclyde, Dublin City University, Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology; Royal Holloway, University of London

    Various activities

    • Visiting Professor, University of Sydney Business School, 2016-2022.
    • Visiting professor, Macquarie University, Sydney, March 2015.
    • Visiting professor, Monash University, Melbourne, November-December 2015
    • Visiting Professor, University of Sydney Business School, July 2014
    • Visiting Professor, University of Sydney Business School, February 2010
    • Visiting professor, Macquarie University, Sydney, January 2009

    External examiner on the Bachelor of Commerce and MBA degree pro-grammes at University College Galway (2006-2009).

    External examiner on Business and Accounting degree programmes at Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology (2003-2009).

  • Links
  • Publications


    • Humphrey, C., Mardini, P., & O'Dwyer, B. (2025). Reshaping an issue-based field: assessing the impact of the International Federation of Accountants (IFAC) on the global development aid agenda. Accounting, Auditing and Accountability Journal.


    • Christensen, H., Hales, J., O'Dwyer, B., & Peecher, M. E. (2024). Accounting for sustainability and climate change. Accounting, Organizations and Society, 113, Article 101568.
    • Humphrey, C., O'Dwyer, B. G. D., & Martinoff, M. (2024). Escaping ‘Groundhog Day’: the transformative possibilities of reconceptualising audit. Accounting and Business Research, 1-25.
    • O'Dwyer, B. G. D., Humphrey, C., & Rowbottom, N. (2024). From institutional integration to institutional demise: The disintegration of the International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC). Critical Perspectives on Accounting, 99, Article 102699. [details]


    • Canning, M., O'Dwyer, B., & Boomsma, R. (2022). Managing the offshoring of audit work: Spanning the boundaries between onshore and offshore auditors. Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory, 41(2), 57-91. [details]



    • Clune, C., & O'Dwyer, B. (2020). Framing Engagement that Resonates: Organizing Advocacy for Corporate Social and Environmental Accountability. European Accounting Review, 29(5), 851-875. [details]
    • Clune, C., & O'Dwyer, B. G. D. (2020). Organizing dissonance through institutional work: the embedding of social and environmental accountability in an investment field. Accounting, Organizations and Society, 85, Article 101130.
    • O'Dwyer, B. G. D., & Unerman, J. (2020). Shifting the focus of sustainability accounting from impacts to risks and dependencies: Researching the transformative potential of TCFD reporting. Accounting Auditing & Accountability Journal.



    • Canning, M., Gendron, Y., & O'Dwyer, B. G. D. (2018). Auditing in a changing environment and the constitution of cross-paradigmatic communication channels. Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory, 37(2), 165-174.
    • Humphrey, C., Canning, M., & O'Dwyer, B. (2018). Audit quality and inspection in the Netherlands: The importance of an intellectual approach to experiential learning and practice advancement. MAB, 92(1-2), 7-19. [details]
    • Unerman, J., Bebbington, J., & O'Dwyer, B. G. D. (2018). Corporate reporting and accounting for externalities. Accounting and Business Research, 48(5), 497-522.


    • Agyemang, G., O'Dwyer, B., Unerman, J., & Awumbila, M. (2017). Seeking “conversations for accountability”: Mediating the impact of non-governmental organization (NGO) upward accountability processes. Accounting Auditing & Accountability Journal, 30(5), 982-1007. [details]
    • Hall, M., & O'Dwyer, B. G. D. (2017). The importance of nonprofit organizations to understanding accounting, organizations and society. Accounting, Organizations and Society, 63, 1-5.
    • Vieira, R., O'Dwyer, B., & Schneider, R. (2017). Aligning strategy and performance management systems: the case of the wind-farm industry. Organization & Environment, 30(1), 3-26. [details]




    • Bebbington, J., Unerman, J., & O'Dwyer, B. (2014). Drawing to a close and future horizons. In J. Bebbington, J. Unerman, & B. O'Dwyer (Eds.), Sustainability accounting and accountability (2nd ed.) (pp. 286-289). Abingdon: Routledge. [details]
    • Bebbington, J., Unerman, J., & O'Dwyer, B. (2014). Introduction to sustainability accounting and accountability. In J. Bebbington, J. Unerman, & B. O'Dwyer (Eds.), Sustainability accounting and accountability (2nd ed.) (pp. 3-14). Abingdon: Routledge. [details]
    • Boomsma, R., & O'Dwyer, B. (2014). The nature of NGO accountability: conceptions, motives, forms and mechanisms. In J. Bebbington, J. Unerman, & B. O'Dwyer (Eds.), Sustainability accounting and accountability (2nd ed.) (pp. 157-175). Abingdon: Routledge. [details]
    • O'Dwyer, B., & Unerman, J. (2014). Realizing the potential of interdisciplinarity in accounting research. Accounting Auditing & Accountability Journal, 27(8), 1227-1232. [details]



    • O'Dwyer, B. (2011). The case of sustainability assurance: constructing a new assurance service. Contemporary Accounting Research, 28(4), 1230-1266. [details]
    • O'Dwyer, B. (2011). The genesis of an ‘interesting’ and important social and environmental accounting conversation: Celebrating the contribution of professor David Owen to social and environmental accounting and auditing (SEAA) research and practice. Social & Environmental Accounting, 31(1), 85-95. [details]
    • O'Dwyer, B., Owen, D., & Unerman, J. (2011). Seeking legitimacy for new assurance forms: The case of assurance on sustainability reporting. Accounting, Organizations and Society, 36(1), 31-52. [details]




    • O'Dwyer, B., & Canning, M. (2008). On professional accounting body complaints procedures: Confronting professional authority and professional insulation within the Institute of Chartered Accountants in Ireland (ICAI). Accounting Auditing & Accountability Journal, 21(5), 645-670. [details]
    • O'Dwyer, B., & Unerman, J. (2008). The paradox of greater NGO accountability: A case study of Amnesty Ireland. Accounting, Organizations and Society, 33(7-8), 801-824. [details]


    • O'Dwyer, B. G. D., & Owen, D. (2007). Seeking Stakeholder-Centric Sustainability Assurance: An Examination of Recent Sustainability Assurance Practice. Journal of Corporate Citizenship, (25).
    • O'Dwyer, B. G. D., & Unerman, J. (2007). From functional to social accountability: Transforming the accountability relationship between funders and non-governmental development organisations. Accounting Auditing & Accountability Journal, 20(3), 446-471.
    • Unerman, J., & O'Dwyer, B. G. D. (2007). The business case for regulation of corporate social responsibility and accountability. Accounting Forum, 31(4), 332-353.
    • Unerman, J., Bebbington, J., & O'Dwyer, B. (2007). Sustainability Accounting and Accountability. Abingdon: Routledge.




    • Norris, G., & O'Dwyer, B. (2004). Motivating Socially Responsive Decision Making: The Operation of Management Controls in a Socially Responsive Organisation. British Accounting Review, 36(2), 173-196.
    • O'Dwyer, B. (2004). Qualitative Data Analysis: Exposing a Process for Transforming a ‘Messy’ but ‘Attractive’ ‘Nuisance’. In B. L. C. Humphrey (Ed.), A Real Life Guide to Accounting Research: A Behind the Scenes View of using Qualitative Research Methods Amsterdam: Elsevier.
    • Unerman, J., & O'Dwyer, B. (2004). Enronitis: The Challenge to Modernity. Critical Perspectives on Accounting, 15(6-7), 971-993.


    • Canning, M., & O'Dwyer, B. (2003). A critique of the descriptive power of the private interest model of professional accounting ethics: An examination over time in the Irish context. Accounting Auditing & Accountability Journal, 16(2), 159-185.
    • O'Dwyer, B. (2003). Conceptions of corporate social responsibility: the nature of managerial capture. Accounting Auditing & Accountability Journal, 16(4), 523-557.
    • O'Dwyer, B. (2003). The Ponderous Evolution of Corporate Environmental Reporting in Ireland: Recent Evidence from Publicly Listed Companies. Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, 10(2), 91-100.



    • Canning, M., & O'Dwyer, B. (2001). Professional Accounting Bodies’ Disciplinary Procedures: Accountable, Transparent and in the Public Interest? European Accounting Review, 24(4), 725-749.
    • O'Dwyer, B. (2001). The State of Corporate Environmental Reporting in Ireland. London: Association of Chartered Certified Accountants.
    • O'Dwyer, B. (2001). The Legitimacy of Accountants’ Participation in Social and Ethical Accounting, Auditing and Reporting. Business Ethics: A European review, 10(1), 27-39.


    • O'Dwyer, B. (2000). Evidence and the Public Interest versus Expediency: Critical Commentary on ‘Could Environmental Reporting Shadow Financial Reporting?’ by Aris Solomon. Accounting Forum, 24(2), 223-231.


    • Bebbington, J., Unerman, J., & O'Dwyer, B. (Eds.) (2014). Sustainability accounting and accountability. (2nd ed.) Abingdon: Routledge. [details]


    • Unerman, J., & O'Dwyer, B. (2012). Accounting and accountability for NGO's. In T. Hopper, M. Tsamenyi, S. Uddin, & D. Wickramasinghe (Eds.), Handbook of accounting and development (pp. 143-161). Edward Elgar. [details]




    • O'Dwyer, B. G. D. (2007). Stakeholder perspectives on a financial sector legitimation process: NGOs and the Equator Principles. In Proceedings of the Asia-Pacific Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Accounting conference Wellington.
    • O'Dwyer, B. G. D. (2007). The Nature of NGO Accountability: Motives, Mechanisms and Practice. In J. Unerman, J. Bebbington, & B. G. D. O'Dwyer (Eds.), Sustainability Accounting and Accountability (pp. 285-306-D15). Routledge.
    • O'Dwyer, B. G. D. (2007). The paradoxical potential of a quest for greater NGO accountability: the case of Amnesty Ireland. In Proceedings of the Asia-Pacific Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Accounting conference Wellington.
    • Unerman, J., Bebbington, J., & O'Dwyer, B. G. D. (2007). Introduction to sustainability accounting and accountability. In J. Unerman, J. Bebbington, & B. G. D. O'Dwyer (Eds.), Sustainability Accounting and Accountability (pp. 1-16). Routledge.
    • Unerman, J., Bebbington, J., & O'Dwyer, B. G. D. (2007). Postscript and conclusions. In J. Unerman, J. Bebbington, & B. G. D. O'Dwyer (Eds.), Sustainability Accounting and Accountablity (pp. 345-D18). Routledge.


    • O'Dwyer, B. G. D. (2006). Theoretical and Practical Contributions of Social Accounting to Corporate Social Responsibility. In J. Allouche (Ed.), Corporate Social Responsibility, Volume I: Concepts, Accountability and Reporting London: Palgrave Macmillan.



    • O'Dwyer, B. G. D. (2005). [Review of: D.R. Myddelton (2004) Unshackling accountants]. The International Journal of Accounting: Education and Research, 40(4), 428-432.


    • O'Dwyer, B., & O'Flaherty, F. (2002). Seeking Comfort: The Key Criteria Influencing Auditor Selection in Ireland. Accountancy Ireland, 33(6), 7-9.


    • O'Dwyer, B. (2001). Corporate Environmental Reporting: The Quest for Mainstream Acceptance in the Midst of Inconsistency and Incomparability. Accountancy Ireland, 33(2), 18-19.
    • O'Dwyer, B. (2001). Merging the Economy, Ecology and Society: Business, Accountancy and Sustainable Development. Accountancy Ireland, 33(6), 12-15.


    • O'Dwyer, B. (2000). Irish Economic Growth and Its Impact on the Environment: The Implications for Irish Environmental Reporting Practice. Journal of the Asia Pacific Centre for Environmental Accountability, 6(2), 3-9.
    • O'Dwyer, B. (2000). Social and Ethical Accounting, Auditing and Reporting: A Review of Recent Developments. Accountancy Ireland, 32(6), 13-14.


    • Vieira, R., Lan Ha, T. T., & O'Dwyer, B. G. D. (2012). Interplay of management control systems and social capital in social enterprises: A case study of a social enterprise in Vietnam. Paper presented at the 8th European Network for Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Accounting, .


    • O'Sullivan, N. A., & O'Dwyer, B. G. D. (2013). Institutional entrepreneurship in an issue-based field: The effects of social movements on the structuration of the Equator Principles field. Amsterdam: Universiteit van Amsterdam - Amsterdam Business School.


    • Boomsma, R. S., & O'Dwyer, B. G. D. (2012). The construction of NGO accountability. Amsterdam: Universiteit van Amsterdam.
    • Boomsma, R. S., O'Dwyer, B. G. D., & Georgakopoulos, G. (2012). The shaping of NGO accountability: Aligning imposed and felt accountabilities in Oxfam Novib. Amsterdam: Universiteit van Amsterdam.


    • Boomsma, R. S., O'Dwyer, B. G. D., & Georgakopoulos, G. (2011). The shaping of NGO accountability: Aligning imposed and felt accountabilities in Oxfam Novib. Amsterdam: Universiteit van Amsterdam.
    • O'Dwyer, B. G. D., & Canning, M. (2011). Boundary negotiation within a changing regulatory space for professional accountants. Amsterdam: Universiteit van Amsterdam.
    • O'Dwyer, B. G. D., & O'Sullivan, N. A. (2011). Social accountability and the finance sector: The equator principles institutionalisation process. Amsterdam: Universiteit van Amsterdam.
    • O'Dwyer, B. G. D., & Unerman, J. (2011). Analysing the relevance and utility of leading accounting research. Amsterdam: Universiteit van Amsterdam.
    • O'Dwyer, B. G. D., & Vieira, R. (2011). Strategy and performance management systems in a wind farm company. Amsterdam: Universiteit van Amsterdam.
    • O'Dwyer, B. G. D., Agyemang, G., & Unerman, J. (2011). Downward accountability mechanisms in a developing country context: Processes and experiences of empowerment. Amsterdam: Universiteit van Amsterdam.
    • O'Dwyer, B. G. D., Agyemang, G., & Unerman, J. (2011). Knowledge sharing in NGO accounting and accountability mechanisms. Amsterdam: Universiteit van Amsterdam.
    • O'Dwyer, B. G. D., Boomsma, R. S., & Georgakopoulos, G. (2011). The shaping of NGO accountability: Aligning imposed and felt accountabilities. Amsterdam: Universiteit van Amsterdam.
    • O'Sullivan, N. A., & O'Dwyer, B. G. D. (2011). The Equator Principles: A micro-institutionalisation process. Amsterdam: Universiteit van Amsterdam.



    • Boomsma, R. S., O'Dwyer, B. G. D., & Georgakopoulos, G. (2009). Balancing accountability in Oxfam Novib: the nature of imposed and felt accountability. Amsterdam: Faculteit Economie en Bedrijfskunde.
    • O'Dwyer, B. G. D. (2009). The programmatic and operational aspects of sustainability assurance: loose coupling or decoupling? Amsterdam: Faculteit Economie en Bedrijfskunde.
    • O'Dwyer, B. G. D., & Canning, M. (2009). Realigning regulatory space: The case of the I.A.A.S.A. Amsterdam: Faculteit Economie en Bedrijfskunde.
    • O'Dwyer, B. G. D., & Maughan, R. (2009). Organisational legitimation and identification: The case of sustainability practices and reporting at Musgrave group. Amsterdam: Faculteit Economie en Bedrijfskunde.
    • O'Dwyer, B. G. D., Owen, D., & Unerman, J. (2009). Seeking legitimacy for new assurance forms. Amsterdam: Faculteit Economie en Bedrijfskunde.
    • O'Dwyer, B. G. D., Unerman, J., Agyemang, G., & Awumbila, M. (2009). NGO Accountability: empowering the maginalised through downward accountability mechanisms? Amsterdam: Faculteit Economie en Bedrijfskunde.
    • O'Dwyer, B., & Unerman, J. (2009). Enhancing the role of accountability in promoting the rights of beneficiaries of development NGOs. Faculteit Economie en Bedrijfskunde. [details]


    • O'Dwyer, B. G. D. (2008). On trying to hear the voices of Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO) beneficiaries: the use of focus groups as a research method. (Working Paper, University of Amsterdam). Amsterdam: Faculteit Economie en Bedrijfskunde.
    • O'Dwyer, B. G. D. (2008). The interaction between the programmatic the operational in sustainability assurance: A case study. (Working Paper, University of Amsterdam). Amsterdam: Faculteit Economie en Bedrijfskunde.
    • O'Dwyer, B. G. D., & Bouter, K. (2008). Realising the dialogical potential of stakeholder engagement: The case of TNT. (Working Paper, University of Amsterdam). Amsterdam: Faculteit Economie en Bedrijfskunde.
    • O'Dwyer, B. G. D., Owen, D., & Unerman, J. (2008). Securing legitimacy for new assurance forms: The case of assurance on social and environmental reporting. (working paper). Amsterdam: Faculteit Economie en Bedrijfskunde.


    • O'Dwyer, B. G. D., & Bouter, K. (2007). Stakeholder Engagement and Accountability: A Case Study in a Dutch Multinational. (Working Paper Universiteit van Amsterdam). Amsterdam: Faculteit Economie en Bedrijfskunde.
    • O'Dwyer, B. G. D., & O'Sullivan, N. A. (2007). Stakeholde perspectives on a financial sector legitimation process: NGOs and the Equator Principles. (Working Paper Universiteit van Amsterdam). Amsterdam: Faculteit Economie en Bedrijfskunde.
    • O'Dwyer, B. G. D., & Unerman, J. (2007). The Paradoxical Potential of a Quest for greater NGO Accountability: the Case of Amnesty Ireland. (Working Paper Universiteit van Amsterdam). Amsterdam: Faculteit Economie en Bedrijfskunde.
    • O'Dwyer, B. G. D., & Unerman, J. (2007). Transforming Accountability within Non-Governmental Development Organisations: Holistic Accountability from the Inside. (Working Paper Universiteit van Amsterdam). Amsterdam: Faculteit Economie en Bedrijfskunde.
    • O'Dwyer, B. G. D., Owen, D., & Unerman, J. (2007). The evolution of assurance on sustainability reporting: a case study in securing legitimacy. (Working Paper University of Amsterdam). Amsterdam: Faculteit Economie en Bedrijfskunde.


    • O'Dwyer, B. G. D., & Bouter, K. (2006). Stakeholder Engagement and Accountability: A Case Study in a Dutch Multinational. (Working Paper University of Amsterdam Business School). Amsterdam: Faculteit Economie en Bedrijfskunde.
    • O'Dwyer, B. G. D., & Canning, M. (2006). The Case of the Complainant and the ICAI Disciplinary Procedures: The Evolution of Professional Insulation, Authority and Mystique. (Working Paper University of Amsterdam Business School). Amsterdam: Faculteit Economie en Bedrijfskunde.
    • O'Dwyer, B. G. D., & O'Sullivan, N. A. (2006). Blueprint for a Social Contract?: The Equator Principles and the Case for Symbolic Legitimation. (Working Paper University of Amsterdam Business School). Amsterdam: Faculteit Economie en Bedrijfskunde.
    • O'Dwyer, B. G. D., & Unerman, J. (2006). Basking in Enron's Reflexive Goriness: Mixed Messages from the UK Profession's Reaction. (Working Paper University of Amsterdam Business School). Amsterdam: Faculteit Economie en Bedrijfskunde.
    • O'Dwyer, B. G. D., & Unerman, J. (2006). The Paradoxical Potential of a Quest for Greater NGO Accountability: The Case of Amnesty Ireland. (Working Paper University of Amsterdam Business School). Amsterdam: Faculteit Economie en Bedrijfskunde.
    • O'Dwyer, B. G. D., & Unerman, J. (2006). Transforming Accountability within Non-Governmental Development Organisations: Holistic Accountqbility from the Inside, (Working Paper University of Amsterdam Business School). Amsterdam: Faculteit Economie en Bedrijfskunde.


    • O'Dwyer, B. G. D., & Unerman, J. (2005). Conceptions of NGO Accountability: The Case of Amnesty Ireland, The Critical Perspectives on Accounting Conference. onbekend: Afdeling Business Studies.
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  • Ancillary activities
    • No ancillary activities