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F. (Francesca) Episcopo PhD

Faculty of Law
Dep. Private Law

Visiting address
  • Nieuwe Achtergracht 166
  • Room number: A8.25
Postal address
  • Postbus 15557
    1001 NB Amsterdam
Social media
  • Profile

    Francesca joined the Law Faculty and ACT in September 2022 as an Assistant Professor of European Private Law. This follows her previous role as a Postdoctoral Researcher at the Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies and the University of Pisa, as well as her time as an Emile Noel Fellow at the New York Law School.

    At Uva, Francesca co-teaches European Contract Law (where she also serves as course coordinator), Research Training Seminars and Consumer Rights in the Digital Market, as well as Introduction to Comparative Law. Francesca also serves as Thesis coordinator for the Master in European Private Law.

    She is available for supervising thesis in various fields of European Private Law as well as Law and New Technologies, especially focussing on: contract law, civil liability, data protection, platform regulation, private enforcement and litigation.

    As a researcher, Francesca is deeply committed to European private law, while also venturing into social sciences, jurisprudence, and political theory. Her interests particularly focus on the role and structure of private law adjudication in diverse legal settings and the challenges posed by new technologies (outlined in her Research Plan).

    She earned her Ph.D. – doctor Europeaus, with the highest distinction of summa cum laude – from the University of Pisa. Her dissertation, titled "L'effettività del diritto (privato) europeo nella giurisprudenza della Corte di Lussemburgo. Analisi di un concetto indeterminato," employed analytical and methodological tools from European law, private law, philosophy of language, and theory of legal reasoning and argumentation. The dissertation delved into the meaning and normative value of "effectiveness" in the CJEU's case law, identifying conditions for its legitimate application. Her research spanned across Pisa, the University of Oxford (where she pursued an MJur degree), and the MPI for Comparative and International Private Law, where she was granted a two-month Scholarship for International Students. Notably, her innovative methodology and findings earned her the 2019 Best Dissertation in Social Science prize from the University of Pisa.

    Francesca's research explores how contract drafting, private law adjudication, and private law remedies contribute to shaping legal norms, rights, and practices. This influence extends to molding economic and social dynamics beyond traditional legislative contexts. Her focus lies in unraveling the impact of pluralistic normative frameworks on redefining the connection between public and private law, legitimacy of law-making in complex transnational legal orders, the influence of legal and non-legal stabilizing factors on strategic litigation, and the significance of access to justice and effective judicial protection on individual and systemic levels. Within the realm of Law & Technology, she concentrates on reshaping individual and collective rights and remedies as a means to address the transfer of public interests to private entities. This shift ensures their transnational accountability for the quasi-regulatory roles they undertake.

    Francesca's role as an Assistant Professor of European Law at UvA will encompass three primary areas of research: (a) crafting a descriptive and normative theory regarding the application of the principle of effectiveness in private law adjudication; (b) comprehending the role of private law remedies in regulating digital platforms; (c) devising inventive conceptual frameworks to formulate transnationally valid responses to the societal transformations tied to the economic and normative influence of digital corporations.

    Starting in Fall 2023, Francesca will lead the DTDMS seed-funded project APPLIED - Assessing collective Private Litigation In the Economy of Data. The project will last one year and aim at: Developing an inclusive overview of CPE application in data protection law across different European nations; Identifying and analyzing obstacles that hinder effective CPE implementation; Exploring CPE's broader implications on data protection rights, obligations, and wider interests. The Team - comprised by Anna van Duin, Jef Ausloos and Francesca Episcopo - is currently preparing to hire two students assistants. 

  • Publications


    • Episcopo, F. (2024). UI v. Österreichische Post – A First Brick in the Wall for a European Interpretation of Art. 82 GDPR. 9. Case note on: CJEU, 4/05/23 (C-300/21 UI v. Österreichische Post AG). EuCML, (2), 87.
    • Episcopo, F. (2024). “Play it again, Sam”: Remedying procedural discrimination in social security in <i>TGSS</i>. Case note on: CJEU, 14/09/23, C-113/22, EU:C:2023:665 (TGSS). Common Market Law Review, 61(4), 1077-1101. [details]


    • Episcopo, F. (2023). Varieties of effectiveness and their impact on private law adjudication. Zeitschrift für europäisches Privatrecht, 31(2), 350-373. [details]


    • Bertolini, A., & Episcopo, F. (2022). Robots and AI as Legal Subjects? Disentangling the Ontological and Functional Perspective. Frontiers in Robotics and AI, 9, Article 842213. Advance online publication.
    • Episcopo, F. (2022). deve risarcire i danni da prenotazione di una struttura fantasma. Violazione degli obblighi del mediatore, irresponsabilità del service provider, <i>or something in between</i>?. Case note on: Trib. Modena, 5/10/21 ( Pactum, 2022(4), 591-606. [details]
    • Episcopo, F., Lippi, M. E., & Calderai, V. (2022). The right to access to safe medical technologies. In C. De Maria, L. Pecchia, A. Ahuwalia, & S. Severi (Eds.), Biomedical engineering for sustainable development (pp. 49). Patron Editore.


    • Bertolini, A., & Episcopo, F. (2021). The Expert Group’s Report on Liability For AI and Other Emerging Digital Technologies. A Critical Assessment. European Journal of Risk Regulation, 12(3), 644-659. Advance online publication.
    • Episcopo, F. (2021). Il problema dei danni puntivi. In E. Navarretta (Ed.), Codice della Responsabilità civile (pp. 2013). Giuffrè.
    • Episcopo, F. (2021). Rapporto fra componenti risarcitorie con funzione deterrente e pene private. In E. Navarretta (Ed.), Il Codice della Responsabilità Civile (pp. 2065). Giuffrè.


    • Episcopo, F. (2024). APPLIED Country Report - Italy. Web publication or website


    • Episcopo, F. (2023). Book review - Araceli Turmo, ‘Res judicata in European Union law. A multi-faceted principle in a multilevel judicial system’, EU Law Live Press, 2022. Revista General de Derecho Europeo, (60).
    • Episcopo, F. (2023). Deconstructing the CJEU's Jurisprudence to Enable Judicial Dialogue. In C. Mak, & B. Kas (Eds.), Civil Courts and the European Polity: The Constitutional Role of Private Law Adjudication in Europe (pp. 79-98). Hart. [details]


    • Episcopo, F. (2021). Book review to ‘The Risk-Based Approach to Data Protection’ by Raphaël Gellert, OUP, 2020. European Data Protection Law Review, 7(1), 143-145.
    • Episcopo, F. (2021). The Vicissitudes of Life at the Coalface: Remedies and Procedures for Enforcing Union Law Before National Courts. In P. Craig, & G. de Búrca (Eds.), The Evolution of EU Law (3rd ed., pp. 275-306). Oxford University Press.
    • Episcopo, F. (2021). “Diritto italo-europeo e principi identificativi”. In D. Mantucci, G. Perlingieri, & M. D'Ambrosio (Eds.), Dibattito sulle ricerche della dottrina civilistica nel biennio 2017-2018 (pp. 65). Edizioni scientifiche italiane.
    • Episcopo, F., Bertolini, A., & Cherciu, N. (2021). Liability of online platforms.


    Prize / grant

    Membership / relevant position

    • Episcopo, F. & Grozdanovski, . (2024-). External member of the project's Governance Board, JUST-AI (Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence).
    • Episcopo, F. (2021-). ELI - European Law Institute.

    Journal editor

    • Episcopo, F. (editor) (2020-). Pactum (Journal).

    Talk / presentation

    • Episcopo, F. (speaker) (28-11-2024). Interlocking Gears: The Dynamics of Collective Litigation in Data Protection and Digital Rights, Digital Legal Talks 2024, Utrecht.
    • Episcopo, F. (speaker) (25-9-2024). Digital Legal Cafe - CJEU Meta Platforms Ireland - Representative Action [C-757/22], Vrije Universiteit Brussel.
    • Episcopo, F. (speaker) & Streinz, T. (speaker) (9-7-2024). Interest Group: Global Data Law, ICON-S Annual Conference, Madrid.
    • Episcopo, F. (speaker) (8-7-2024). Navigating the legal landscape: unveiling the power and pitfalls of private enforcement in data protection litigation, ICON-S Annual Conference, Madrid.
    • Episcopo, F. (speaker) (21-6-2024). Interlocking Gears: The Dynamics of Collective Litigation in Data Protection and Digital Rights, eLaw Symposium and AI & Data Protection Conference, Leiden.
    • Episcopo, F. (speaker) (4-6-2024). Country Report - Italy, DFF Collective Redress Workshop, Berlin.
    • Episcopo, F. (speaker) (10-11-2023). Pensami e i Pre-requisiti legali di condivisione del dato nella medicina di precisione, Verso lo spazio europeo dei dati sanitari, Pisa.
    • Episcopo, F. (speaker) (6-10-2023). Discussant for the paper - 'Human Body Commons for Research and Development: The Case of Data Cooperatives' by Enrique Santamaría, The Health of the Union. Ideas for a European legal framework for Research & Development in Biomedicine, Pisa.
    • Ó Fathaigh, R. (speaker), Episcopo, F. (speaker), van der Graaf, E. (speaker), Jansen, G. (speaker), Metikoš, L. (speaker) & Vazquez, J. (speaker) (15-9-2023). The Digital Transformation of Decision-Making, Digital Legal Talks 2023, Utrecht.
    • Episcopo, F. (speaker) (8-9-2023). Effectiveness and judicial protection in the multilevel EU judicial system, EUROPEAN LAW AND THE AUTHORITY OF JUDGMENTS, Nantes.
    • Episcopo, F. (speaker) (24-4-2023). The Hermeneutics of Effectiveness in the CJEU case law and its impact on private law adjudication, EU Studies Seminars, Liege.
    • Episcopo, F. (speaker) (8-12-2022). Rethinking the fundamental right to data protection in Europe, Seminar in Data Law Series of the Private Law of Data Project.
    • Episcopo, F. (speaker) (7-12-2022). Rights and Remedies in Case of Unauthorised Data Processing: Rethinking the Right to Data Protection?, LIANS Seminar Series.
    • Episcopo, F. (speaker), Streinz, T. (speaker) & Rodríguez de las Heras Ballell, T. (speaker) (5-6-2022). The Invisible Hand of Contract Law in the Regulation of the Data Economy, Private-Public Principles for a Global Data Economy: Data Transactions, Data Rights, and Data Values? .
    • Episcopo, F. (speaker) (2-5-2022). The Hermeneutics of Effectiveness in European Law and its Effects on Private Law Relations, Eighth Max Planck PostDoc Conferenceon European Private Law, Hamburg.


    • Episcopo, F. (organiser) & van Duin, A. (organiser) (23-10-2024). APPLIED Expert Workshop, Amsterdam. Expert workshop for the APPLIED project (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Episcopo, F. (participant) (24-1-2024). Privacy Camp 2024, Brussels. Invites speaker to the panel 'The missing piece: using collective action for digital Charter rights protection' (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Episcopo, F. (organiser), Angiolini, C. (organiser), Calderai, V. (organiser), Favaro, T. (organiser), Puleio, G. (organiser) & De Maria, C. (organiser) (6-10-2023). The Health of the Union. Ideas for a European legal framework for Research & Development in Biomedicine, Pisa (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Episcopo, F. (organiser) & Bertolini, A. (organiser) (1-12-2022 - 2-12-2022). The Gift of the Evil D-AI-ty., Pisa (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Episcopo, F. (chair) (1-12-2022 - 2-12-2022). The Gift of the Evil D-AI-ty., Pisa. Chairing the following two panels: 'Data, AI, and the digital economy. Regulating AI through Data regulation, regulating Data through AI regulation, (…) (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Episcopo, F. (organiser) & Streinz, T. (organiser) (5-5-2022). Private-Public Principles for a Global Data Economy: Data Transactions, Data Rights, and Data Values? (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
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  • Ancillary activities
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