Amsterdam Center for Transformative Private Law
14 September 2023
Where did you study?
I studied in Leiden University for my first LLM (International Civil and Commericial Law, 2020-2021), and at the China University of Political Science and Law for my second LLM (Private International Law, 2019-2023) and my LLB (Foreign-related Law Program, 2015-2019).
What is your research about?
I research the intersection between private interntional law and sustainability, and more specificly, about how to use the private international law mechanisms to promote the SDGs and the opportunities that the SDGs provide for the development of private international law.
Are you planning on teaching afterwards?
Yes. Becoming a university teacher is a part of my career planning, so I would appreciate the opportunity to teach afterwards.
What moved you to write a PhD?
I have great interests in private international law, which drove me study private international law a lot. I had a feeling that there should be a bigger mission for modern private international law, which coincided with the political school of private international law. Yet I noticed there were still gaps in the transformation of private international law from classic to political/regulatory. This is what my research is trying to do, to bridge the gaps - and also, promote the regulatory function of this law.