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From September 4th-December 4th, Martina Marano will join the visiting fellowship program at the ACT.

Martina Marano graduated in Law in 2019 from the University of Catania. In 2021, she graduated from the A. Galati School of Specialisation for the Legal Professions.

She then started her PhD at the University of Catania. Her research topic concerns over-indebtedness crisis resolution procedures, the impact of their effects on creditors' interests and, finally, the particular treatment of the over-indebted consumer. 

The Center for Transformative Private Law in Amsterdam is the perfect place to explore some topics from a European perspective. The basic thrust of the project is akin to the "Reimagining Private Law" research line carried out by ACT. In fact, settlement procedures reserved for the civil debtor have opened up a new perspective in private law. A period of study in this European law center is an essential step to broaden the point of view and develop new solutions to find a balance between tradition and innovation.